Friday, March 18, 2005

Illustration Friday: "Fragile"

Okay, so I lied...

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Well Wouldya Look at That, 2005 • Blue Col-Erase, Graphite, and Pentel Brush Pen

There's no highfalutin' concept behind it, really. It was in my head and I needed to do something fun. I hope y'all dig it!
Back to work...

EDIT: It seems that they've changed the Illustration Friday deadline. That kinda sucks. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

I can post your link in the archive if you like - I know it's a transition going to the new topic format. -Brianna

Jeope said...

I like the new format. It caters to the part of me that never submits in the first place.

Seriously, I like having the weekend to do it. If I ever do it.

Allan Lorde said...

In retrospect, it is a good idea. Having the weekend to illustrate the topic is pretty smart.