Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Allow me to be passive-aggressive for a moment...

Apparently, because I'm going to be a dad this year, I'm no longer allowed to acknowledge cool things. This came as news to me! All this time, I thought it was a healthy thing for someone to have interests outside of work and that it was possible to have these interests with offspring on the horizon. Well, I'm glad they straightened me out. I'm sure my son or daughter would rather have a dishwater-dull old man than a vibrant, pop culture-damaged idiot savant for a father.

Also, I've had more folks than I care to count (because that would mean taking an interest in something) tell me to get my gadgets now, because a child will fuck all of that up. Well, I'll be damned if that ain't some top notch advice. I mean, I knew I had to make certain sacrifices, but that notion hit me like a bolt of lightning! While I'm at it, I should stop buying comics, books, magazines, and music. Those items are frivolous and not at all life-affirming or informative, and my child should know that.

Thank you (hands clasped)...thank you for putting me on the right path, friends.


Dave said...

Preach it brutha. I'm in that boat with you.

Allan Lorde said...

That was quick! Even after doing this for seven years, I feel like I'm yelling into a void, so thank you for chiming in. I know these folks meant well, but this had to be said. I do feel better for getting this out of me.

Mark said...

What are you doing blogging? You know when you have kids you won't have time for this…

Allan Lorde said...

(shaking fist)

Penny Lane said...

pfft.. We take H everywhere. Bruce even just suggested taking him to the Buzzcocks show if we can't find a sitter and I'm all for it..

Trust me, child will appriciate a hip dad..

And yeah its true about the gadgets. Thank god I got my wii before H got too big.. ;)

James said...

You don't have to stop nuthin. I mean, I have a 7 month old and I'm fucking awesome! Stick it to the robots Al.

Take them down...

Take them down to Chinatown!

Allan Lorde said...

You two just made my day. Thank you.

Steve said...


Allan Lorde said...

That wasn't the first word that came to my mind when folks decided to enlighten me, but the gist is the same. :D