Thursday, June 16, 2005

Illustration Friday: "Summer"

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The Ladies Be Dressin' Less (diptych), 2005 • graphite and Photoshop®

So yeah...this is what I think about when summer comes around. Actually, I think about these body parts year round, but especially during summer. I'm a winter guy, really. But when it comes to summer, I look forward to only two things: the Fringe and the shedding of layers from the frames of the fairer sex. Word.
And make no mistake, Winnipeg's got some fine ladies. Fine thick ladies.
I know what you're thinking (besides "this guy's a pig!")...what about spring? Isn't that when the hormones really kick it into overdrive n' stuff?
Sure, but this is Winnipeg. Winter doesn't leave quietly, so it takes some time for the layers of clothing to exit. Patience is a virtue.


vfm4 said...


TRoyal said...

You are a prophet. Go forth and help me spread forth the big girl gospel.