October 30th: first substantial snowfall of the season. It don't look like this now. It's kinda like a mild spring. God is teasing us!
- So...four years ago today, I started this thing. Why? I dunno, it seemed "neat". I've changed how I write about stuff here over the years. There's a little less swearing (a little), less porn-related stuff, and less whiny bullshit "feeling" crap. Lately, it's been about my creative endeavors and shit I think is cool, and I think I'm gonna keep it that way.
- Today, I looked back at the passing of Mandy Coyne. Her death really hit us all hard. We didn't recover (if you can call it that) for a long time. Crazy, how it's been over two years.
- On a more positive note, I just finished reading Paul Has a Summer Job. At the end, I shed a few tears. You can call me a colossal pussy for doing so, but there are some very sweet moments in that there book. I've read Paul Moves Out, so now I gotta catch Paul in the Country. Michel Rabagliati, I salute you, sir.
- I'm slowly re-watching Crumb for what's probably the sixth time. On DVD, I can catch every fucked up nuance.
- I love flickr, but it's become a bit of a burden as I have a huge backlog of show photos to post, and I know folks wanna see 'em (because they were in 'em, yo.). I gotta make sure they're lookin' good n' shit.
- MySpace is good for something. Thanks to that techno-marvel, I'm gonna do a tattoo design for a fine lady from Chicago that I first got acquainted with at good ol' Fat Forums. I can't wait to tackle that!
- Yo, if you're lookin' for something to do on Friday, you can check out my man Peter Farmer's art show and auction at the Fairmont. 100% of the proceeds from one of the paintings will go to ArtCity. Great art, a good cause, and Bothwell cheese!
- G'night, y'all.
Flickr is one thing. It's got a great interface, and I love it. But MySpace – I won't touch that place with a ten foot pole; the one time I went in there it made me feel about 50 years old.
It's clunky and often broken in some way, but I find it kinda addictive! Can't put my finger on it.
Great image...
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