The View From 28.
Say what you will about its foriegn policy n' whatnot, I've got it bad for the U.S.
Well, it's not a deep ocean blue love, really. It's more like a shallow wading pool kind of love.
I love America for its STUFF. It has so much of it.
Here are these folks we share a border with, who are just like us, except they have all this cool shit. It's kinda like when you're a kid, and you're visiting a friend that has the coolest fuckin' bedroom filled with the most boss toys imaginable. The U.S. is like that. It's one cool bedroom.
Sarah and I are heading on down to Minneapolis for 6 days. Initially, it was for the opening of This Side Up, but the opening got pushed to the 12th of August. Yeah, that kinda threw a spanner in the works, but we're gonna have a good time anyway. A visit to the Walker Institute is on the agenda, along with visiting the AA dudes and the Unitus Family Unit. I'm probably gonna eat myself into a coma, too. The plan is, however, to do an about face once I return.
It's time I made this public: I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds by my 32nd birthday.
It is do-able, but it's gonna be hard. It's gotta happen, even if I don't reach my time limit.
At any rate, "mad fun" will be had by both of us. We have many stores to visit and sights to puruse. I can hear P.B. Loco callin' my ass.