Monday, August 01, 2005

Illustration Friday: "Aging"

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I Don't Wanna Grow Up, 2005 • graphite, Staedtler Pigment Liner and Photoshop CS2®

It's probably obvious, but this was inspired by both the Peter Pan Broadway tune and the Tom Waits song (from Bone Machine, which I still have to purchase). This dude is vainly hanging on to whatever remnants of his childhood, but realizes he has to rock that suit n' tie so he can bring home the bacon. And he resents it.

Here's the original:

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I drew it during a couple of my breaks at my incredibly shitty job.

*sigh*...there I go again. Okay, it's no secret that I hate what I do. To me, the true measure of success is to make a living doing what you really want to do. I'm clearly not at that point. But it's coming...I'm almost sure of it.
I'm told, "hey, it's just a job." True, and it pays pretty well. But what if you think of throwing yourself in front of a truck before heading there? What if it's incredibly thankless? That shit ain't healthy. All I know is, when I get back from Roanoke, the job search is ON.

But, I digress...*ahem*...
I didn't like the face on this dude; it wasn't sour enough. So, I came up with a few more and chose my fave:

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A few choices.

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Cut n' paste.

As a bonus, here's one of the pieces I came up with for the Blam! show, Geriatric Lad:

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Hapless Heroes 1: Geriatric Lad, 2005 • Montana spray paint, gesso, graphite and Staedtler Pigment Liner on canvas board

A'ight? Peace, y'all.


Anonymous said...

Great illustration - love that grumpy face!

carla said...

Hey Al -

I really dig your illustrations... the blue guy on the swing looks so perfectly petulant, and the fellow on the wheelchair...well, it kind of says to me that time really starts to gather up speed as you get older. Great stuff! I also like reading what media you use.

And BTW, I sure hope you find a great job that makes you happy! Good luck :>

Allan Lorde said...

Thanks, ladies. I really appreciate the feedback! Geez, I should be in bed!

Anonymous said...

Hey Allan, the I Don't Wanna Grow Up illu is great! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

these are great! It's neat to see your process. And geriatric lad is completely awesome.

Rowantree said...

Hilarious !!! Great work.

Cin said...

oh his expression is just wonderful, love your take on the theme, terrific drawing !!!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to grow up neither! Great illustration!

Anonymous said...

This is great. I laughed out loud when it came up and my husband walked up behind me and also laughed out loud! :) Good stuff!!

Shad said...

That's really good Al!

Allan Lorde said...

Thanks, Shad! That means a lot comin' from you.

Dana S. Whitney said...

Sometimes we draw best what we KNOW best!! So where do you want to work and what do you want to do? BE SURE TO WRITE IT DOWN. It's been my experience that the "universe" reads what we write...

Allan Lorde said...

Actually, illustration and design are what I really want to do. I'm a graduate of Red River College's Graphic Design program. Believe me, I've written it down many times.
And yeah, I know crabbiness in regards to growing older quite well (ask my girlfriend). :)

Tony LaRocca said...

The face says it all- "I'll have fun but I won't enjoy it!" Great pic!

The Crafty-Girl™ said...

You are so dang talented...and not to be preachy or anything, but I'd say you're already a success for recognizing what you want to be doing...just got to get out of your own way so you can live it.
be true...
p.s. thanks for the compliment regarding my art; i used stencils and office stamp for the type

Drazen said...

hey Allan, great swing piece!