Let's Start With This Old Thing, 2005 • graphite, Pentel Brush Pen, workable fixative, Photoshop®
I gotta give props to Rob Day for the awesome topic. I had an idea right away!
This is one of those times that I really should be doing other stuff, but I couldn't pass this one up, f'real. If you're wondering what's up with the use of fixative, that's how I got the eraser crumbs to stick around.
There's no big high-falutin' meaning behind this thing, really. Sure, the dude with no face is me, but that's just because I didn't want to draw the ultimate in reinvention: Madonna.
I'd continue to say more about this, but there really isn't anymore to say. There is work to be done, however...peace!
Very, VERY awesome!
A truly original interpretation! High Flu-t-ant! peshaw...who needs that, with this creativity! and lovely drawing too!
This is the best interpretation of this theme I've seen yet. A wonderful concept and excellent execution! :D
I REALLY like this dude, nice work!. I love the cartoon style, it'd make a great animation :)
This is the best. Just great.
Very clever. I love your idea. You rock!!
Thanks, folks. Y'all are too kind!
Really cool and original!
this is a terrific take on i-fri!
'tis well planned, drawn and erased for reinventing. oh so well done,-patty
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