Not So Super Now, Eh?, 2005 • graphite, Pentel Brush Pen and Photoshop®
Talk about your design therapy. I've got a sh*tload of other things to do, but I just had to do this. Now I can safely get back to reality. This is the first time that I can recall that I used Photoshop to fully color something. Kinda turned out okay...what do you think?
Ha ha! I find it really funny that the superhero is afraid of heights, but I guess superheroes are only human.
Ahhh, sweet colour: it just tightens everything up. I loves to colour in Photoshop.
BTW: Kerry was looking over my shoulder while I was checking stuff out here. All of the sudden she says "what's PrettyFat?...and FleshBot???"
So yeah. Thanks for the awkward moment!
Cracked me up! :D
Thanks for the comments, folks.
Thanks for the awkward moment!
No problem, dude.:D
My fellow students are well versed in my internet viewing habits, so they no longer bat an eyelash. That'll have to change once I get into the workforce.
Hang in there! LOL!
Hahahaaa.. I like it ! very nice illo :)
have a great week!:)
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