Thanks to my wife, I have curtains in the workspace.
- Paper Champion! mcenroe's The Paper Champion EP is now available via the Peanuts & Corn site, iTunes, and eMusic. It's great to have him doing rap shit again, and that's no disrespect to his Edge of Town album (which I enjoyed quite a bit). I'm telling you right now...I can't listen to "Gearing Up For Getting Down" without wincing a little, as it's about being an aging hip-hopper. I'm happy to say that Rod is far more positive about getting older than I am, so while it hits home, it's also a fine example of acceptance. You'd best cop this. Do something good with your life for once!
- The best Who tribute by an emcee goes to... Another EP of note is Blueprint's Who. I wrote a lil' something about it at my other blog. Favorite track? "Pain". He used the same beat on the equally ill "Cold Out Here" and married it with the "Won't Get Fooled Again" organ break. 'Print writes shit that I can relate to, and his verse on that joint is proof positive.
On a related note, can I say how much I like Bandcamp and how I wish more folks would use it? The design is slick, the sound is top notch, and I can properly preview an album before I buy it. Take Ghettosocks' Treat of the Day: I've been meaning to cop this for ages. Holding out hope, I've been looking for the album at various local outlets to no avail. Yeah, I could order it from one of them, but I have to admit that I'm a little burnt out on the special order thing, as it doesn't feel special anymore (yeah, I went there. Stop groaning!). And this is from a guy that still favors the physical product over a (legal) download. Amazon kinda took the fun out of that by getting it to me faster than they would.
But I digress...I can get both the digital download and CD of 'Socks TOTD right from his Bandcamp spot, and preview/download tracks from his Teenburger and Twin Peaks projects. Snazzy.
- Patton Oswalt Talks About This Age We Live In. Here's his quote in GQ, as posted by comic dude Dean Trippe. I agree. I reblogged it and added an observation here (where else?). With that said, I do miss the '90s...just a little bit.
- Tough Design Love (NSFW). Good Fucking Design Advice. I downloaded the "Stop fucking procrastinating" desktops for my Mac and iPhone. They're effective shame tools.
Props to Aaron Draplin for the heads up on the link.
- Massimo Vignelli Ain't Boastin', He's Truthin'. While working last night, I heard a terrific interview with design legend Massimo Vignelli via the Design Matters podcast (conducted by the lovely Debbie Millman). Through school, I was aware of his work, but I don't think I was really aware of the man until I saw Helvetica. I can't really recall the last time I heard a man so sure of his skill, and it comes through in this interview. He can back it all up though, unlike a million people I could mention. Watch him expand on his belief that we use too many typefaces. He uses no more than three or four, while I'm often looking to use something other than Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20. Is it bad that I downloaded The Vignelli Canon (grab it here) a year ago and merely flipped through it? I should cop the print version when it drops.