Wednesday, June 27, 2007

One last Benoit thing.

Yeah, I know...this is getting ridiculous.
This has been a long time coming, but I'm abandoning my Yahoo! Mail address, as I've found it, well...shitty, in comparison to Gmail.
So anyone using to contact me, stop doing so. With this, I hope the spambots will hit me with everything they've got, rendering that address useless.
Those of you who know me well are aware of where to contact me.


...there's absolutely no levity in the Benoit situation, but I can't help but think of this:
Benoit may have made the ultimate heel turn. (the Wikipedia link doesn't have any sources listed, but it gets the point across.)
Before you write me off as crass by looking at this horrible tragedy in wrestling terms, let me tell you that I'm coping with this as much as any other person that followed Chris' entire career. Every detail that comes out about this incident sickens me.
But back to my point – Chris, in the space of two or so days, went from one of the most universally respected pro wrestlers in history, to one of the most reviled individuals on the planet. Whatever tributes that have appeared on WWE's site have disappeared, replaced by a timeline of the events.
Everything he did in his career will be colored by what he's inescapable in my mind. On Monday, I planned on watching his match with the Great Sasuke after work, until the fact it was a double murder-suicide came out. So I spent the night in front of the Mac, trying to make sense of the whole thing (impossible), in a state of numbness.
Forgive me, I'm just riffing. I was kind of inspired by a recent Scott Keith post and just had to let it all out.
I'm dying to go back to posting fun shit.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

R.I.P. Chris Benoit...

...and Nancy & Daniel.

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Well, if you were to ask me how I thought Chris Benoit was gonna go out, "double murder-suicide" wouldn't have been on my list, goddammit.

I've been watching Chris do his thing for over 20 years. Although it was Hogan that made me a fan, Chris and the late Owen Hart made me appreciate skill and agility.

I, like a number of you, wonder what drove Chris to do such a thing. It truly doesn't add up. Of course, there's really no logical equation, either.

This has been a dark couple of weeks, as we also lost Sherri Martel and Benoit's one-time tag partner Shane "Biff Wellington" Bower.

My heart goes out to the rest of the Benoit family during this tragic time.

Scott Keith has somewhat summed up my feelings, although they fluctuate by the minute.

Y'all take care of each other, okay?

Monday, June 04, 2007

2 more posters...

"Get Ready!"
View large.

American Flamewhip at The Zoo
View large.

The stories behind each can be found here and here. I was gonna post a bunch of photos on Flickr, but I'm suddenly feeling quite crappy. Maybe in the morning.