Dirty-ass Confusion Corner bus stop.
- The usual has me down...money woes. Whatever. Life's too short for that shit.
- Gotta get away from this fucking computer...mainly in regards to the web. I've been messing with it for 10 or so years, and it has given me a boatload of good and bad. Equal handfulls of both, I figure.
- Got some projects going down with Slo Coach, Erik Athevale, and the superfuckinawesome Pip Skid (with my man Andre of PegCity.com). More later when I can properly speak on 'em.
- Sarah's gonna be away for a good bunch of the summer...more like 95% of it. She'll be working at BB Camp in Lake of the Woods, ON. She's like, "thanks for letting me go." Fuck, letting her go? What kind of asshole would I be if I said no? Well...an asshole, plain n' simple. She's gonna do well financially and in terms of experience. I'm just gonna cope with her not being here. I'm gonna miss her. I'm gonna miss going to the Fringe with her! I just hope I do better than when she was away in 2002 for 2 months. That was the hardest thing ever, as I never really had anyone to miss before.
- Right now, I'm wondering what to do in regards to the just announced Flatstock 9 in Chicago. I'm already trying to make it down for the MPLS opening of the This Side Up show, which is just a week before or so. I'm not sure if I can do it financially. I'm at the breaking point as it is.
- Lastly, plain n' simple...gotta get my hustle on.
- P.S. : If you haven't copped J Dilla's Donuts yet, yer trippin'. It's a fuckin' masterpiece. It's life-affirming. You NEED this. Trust me.
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