Wallowing In It, 2005 • graphite and Photoshop®
Y'know when you're busy beating yourself up, and all you hear is white noise in your head (or some mental equivalent)? That's what this is about. I've spent many late nights bitching about my lot in life (minus the bottle this dude is holding, I don't drink). I try not to do that anymore. Yup.
Fantastic drawing - simple and powerful, I love it.
Strong feelings from this picture! Funny how so few lines can convey so many words!
Thanks to the both of you for the comments. Part of me tries to keep it simple like Jaime Hernandez. He says so much with so little.
Anybody else visiting, stick around and look around. I dig visitors...and attention. :)
Nice blog...I dig your artwork.
I been meaning to join in on this thing, and I thought this'd be the week to do it...and then I saw the subject: "Sorrow". Ewwwwwww. But someday, man. Someday you'll see my name in that Illustration Friday list.
This is very nicely done. It evokes powerful feelings. Great job!
Thank you, your Lordship and Bertha! :)
Jeope...yes! Do it! I wasn't sure about this week's topic, but I gave it a shot.
Better than I, yo. I just can't get with the theme. But I dig your isht - the balloon contents convey emotion.
Thanks, man. The theme was difficult. I think that's part of the thing for me...the challenge.
This is "magnifico" in it's message and the simplicity still manages to convey the feeling. Cool.
His posture says it all. Nice job.
Nice illo. Keep it up.
A very good piece, and I can relate. And I know what you mean about the internal "white noise". One fancy-pants artspeak analysis of it can be how the expressive charcoal-ish line of the character, his seat and the white noise inside of the more normal thought bubble linework. That is the fellow has a normal brain, but his emotions are defining him and his surrounding world, and vice versa. Just one interpretation, to each his own; that's the power of illustration. Keep up the good work.
Many thanks to Ms. Elle, Sheila Hudson, TrinityKim, Pusha V, the anonymous person and Kevin for all your kind words. I was feeling quite low on my abilities this week, and y'all really helped to feel better. Thanks again!
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